
One of the most popular up and coming styles. The dances are based on the lyrics of the song and often incorporate many styles of dance including commercial, jazz and more.

Is it suitable for my child?

For each of our children’s dance classes, the age group that the class is suitable for is specified on the timetable and we kindly ask that you follow this guidance. Many of our classes are suitable for all levels. We do however recommend that you get in touch before bringing your child to a class for the first time so that we can double-check that the level is right for them.

What should my child wear?

In these higher-level classes, we request that participants wear something cool and comfortable. A plain black colour theme is preferred.  

What our customers say…

“In this style, you can express all your feelings into your dance and you can also enjoy learning new things. But the best bit is having a good time with your teachers because it makes it more fun. My favourite parts of lyrical are learning Jumps & Pirouette sequences”       




Time Location Level Newcomer Availability Price Instructor
1630 - 1700 Blackburn School Year 2-7 Yes Course (£5.00 p/w) Lucy Gregory
1630 - 1700 Blackburn BEGINNERS - School Year Reception to Year 6 Yes £4.50 (Starts Tuesday 6th May 2025) Sophia Pilkington
1830 - 1900 Nelson Year 2 Up (Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced) Yes £5.00 Emily Bynert


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