Street Team

Streetdance as part of a team! Over the years our Street teams have built so many amazing friendships. We have teams for all ages and abilities. Joining a team is a great way of building confidence, developing new skills and learning about the technique of Street styles in more detail. Our teams regularly take part in competitions as well as our annual show production.

*We recommend dancers have regularly attended a Street class for a few months before applying to join a team.

Is it suitable for my child?

For each of our children’s dance classes, the age group that the class is suitable for is specified on the timetable and we kindly ask that you follow this guidance. Many of our classes are suitable for all levels. We do however recommend that you get in touch before bringing your child to a class for the first time so that we can double-check that the level is right for them.

What should my child wear?

There isn’t a set dress code for this class. We do however, recommend that participants wear something cool and comfortable with dance pumps/trainers.

What our customers say…

“Being part of the Sandersons family and in particular one of the Street teams has been a fantastic experience for my son, we can’t speak highly enough of it. If you want to be part of an inclusive crowd, or you’re a bit cooky and don’t quite fit in with the rest of the world, joining one of Sandersons dance teams is definitely for you. It’s a great opportunity to express yourself and your individuality. Being part of a team is great for making relationships, gaining confidence and learning how to be disciplined in all areas of your child’s life.”       




Time Location Level Newcomer Availability Price Instructor
1730 - 1800 Blackburn School Year 2 Upwards Yes Course (£5.00 p/w) Jess Duxbury
1730 - 1800 Blackburn School Year Reception to Year 2 (EY Band 4 by invitation) Yes Course (£5.00 p/w) Teegan Pennington


Time Location Level Newcomer Availability Price Instructor
1645 - 1730 Nelson School Year 7&8 No Course (£6.00 p/w) Louise Mackey
1645 - 1730 Nelson School Year 5-7 No Course (£6.00 p/w) Yasmin Roberts
1645 - 1730 Nelson School Year 2-4 Yes Course (£6.00 p/w) Jess Duxbury
1645 - 1730 Nelson School Year 1-3 Yes Course (£6.00 p/w) Sammy Preston
1730 - 1815 Nelson School Year 9 & Up No Course (£6.00 p/w) Sammy Preston


Register your details with us to become a member of Sandersons and discover your passion.