
Dancers will learn choreographed group routines to numbers from well-known movies and musicals. Each year, our showcase department present a 3-day production at the local theatre to show family and friends what they have been rehearsing. A super way to gain experience for those looking for a career in dance & performance.

Is it suitable for my child?

For each of our children’s dance classes, the age group that the class is suitable for is specified on the timetable and we kindly ask that you follow this guidance. Many of our classes are suitable for all levels. We do however recommend that you get in touch before bringing your child to a class for the first time so that we can double-check that the level is right for them.

What should my child wear?

There isn’t a set dress code for this class. We do however, recommend that participants wear something cool and comfortable with dance pumps/trainers.

What our customers say…

“I love dancing in the showcase at Sandersons as everyone cares about each other and many long-lasting friendships are made. The sense of family and community is so strong that everyone is welcome, from all ranges of abilities.”       




Time Location Level Newcomer Availability Price Instructor
1715 - 1800 Nelson School Year 1-6 Yes Course (£5.50 p/w) Claire McNulty


Time Location Level Newcomer Availability Price Instructor
1830 - 1915 Nelson School Year 5-9 Yes Course (£5.50 p/w) Henry Beale
1915 - 2000 Nelson School Year 10 & Up (plus experienced year 8/9 by invitation) Yes Course (£5.50 p/w) Sammy Preston


Time Location Level Newcomer Availability Price Instructor
1600 - 1645 Nelson School Year Reception & Year 1 Yes Course (£5.50 p/w) Louise Mackey
1600 - 1645 Nelson School Year 2, 3 & 4 Yes Course (£5.50 p/w) Yasmin Roberts
1645 - 1730 Blackburn School Year 1 & 2 (Plus Reception by invitation) Yes Course (£5.50 p/w) - NEW INTAKE FRIDAY 27TH JUNE 2025 Lucy Gregory
1730 - 1815 Blackburn School Year 3 & 4 Yes Course (£5.50 p/w) - NEW INTAKE FRIDAY 27TH JUNE 2025 Lucy Gregory
1730 - 1815 Nelson School Year 5, 6 & 7 Yes Course (£5.50 p/w) Jess Duxbury
1730 - 1815 Nelson School Year 8 & 9 Yes Course (£5.50 p/w) Louise Mackey
1815 - 1900 Blackburn School Year 5, 6 & 7 Yes Course (£5.50 p/w) - NEW INTAKE FRIDAY 27TH JUNE 2025 Lucy Gregory
1815 - 1900 Nelson School Year 10 Upwards Yes Course (£5.50 p/w) Sammy Preston
1900 - 1945 Blackburn School Year 8 Upwards Yes Course (£5.50 p/w) - NEW INTAKE FRIDAY 27TH JUNE 2025 Lucy Gregory


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