Nelson & Burnley Showcase Consent Form

Consent Form - Nelson & Burnley - February 2025

  • Details

  • Please give any details of medical conditions/medication or additional needs that you feel we need to be made aware of whilst your child is in our care at the production. (Please only give if relevant)
  • I confirm that the participant listed above is suitably fit and well for taking part in the show production and will advise if any changes to this.
  • I give permission for photographs and videos to be taken of the above participant for use on social media and other marketing materials
  • I give permission for the above participant to be included in the professionally filmed edit of the show production which will be made available to family & friends of the production cast.
  • I give permission for the participant listed above to be included on all published versions of the cast list i.e. T-shirt, souvenir programme etc
  • I give permission for the information provided to passed on to the licensed chaperones looking after participants backstage (i.e. medical conditions, emergency contact numbers etc)
  • I understand that all participants up to school year 11 must be collected from the designated sign in/out area which will be outlined in advance. This applies to all rehearsals and shows at the theatre.
  • If you have answered NO to any of the above, please provide further information in the box below
  • If you have a short good luck message that you would like us to use on show materials, social media etc please note below.


Register your details with us to become a member of Sandersons and discover your passion.